[build2] build2 Action for GitHub Workflows

Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.com
Thu Apr 21 11:00:57 UTC 2022

Fabian Meyer <fabian.meyer at posteo.de> writes:

> actually I have no specific preference for the name of the repository. I
> just kind of used the naming convention which is popular among Github
> Actions like setup-node, setup-go, setup-matlab, setup-rust and so on.
> However, I have also seen GitHub actions with a "action" post-fix, e.g.
> "build2/setup-build2-action". What do you think about this one?
> Also as you might have figured, the "build2" part is redundant in the
> qualifier for the action (organization + repo). We could also save the
> "build2" in the repo name, because it belongs to the build2 organization
> anyway.
> What do you think about "build2/setup-github-workflow"? Or closer to what
> you proposed "build2/setup-github-action"?
> TBH, I find four words in the repository name a bit too many, that's why I'm
> proposing different names ;) But that's just my opinion. Feel free to pick
> whatever name you find suitable.

I think it's good to be able to tell more or less what it's about
just from the repository name, without knowing the organization
name that it came from (which is not present once cloned). So I
think if we have to drop one word, it should be "setup", though I
personally don't have issues with long repository names since you
can always clone it to a name of your choice on the filesystem.

So my first preference would be:

github-action-setup-build2 (or setup-build2-github-action)

My second preference would be:

github-action-build2 (or build2-github-action).

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