[build2] Overriding repository location locally

Per Edin per.edin at sequence-point.se
Thu Oct 4 11:53:07 UTC 2018

> > Is it possible to override a repository path locally? E.g. when working
> > offline and a working copy of libhello.git##HEAD is available in
> > ~/dev/libhello.
> Yes, though there are several slightly different ways to do it
> depending on what exactly you are trying to achieve.
> Firstly, if you are planning to develop libhello, then you should
> just initialize the local clone with bdep-init(1) in the same build
> configuration as discussed in "Developing Multiple Packages and
> Projects":
> https://build2.org/build2-toolchain/doc/build2-toolchain-intro.xhtml#guide-dev-multi

I want to develop consumers of libhello, without having to download it from
the repository. I've managed to accomplish it manually by using b and
setting config.import.libfoobar to the out_root of libfoobar. But if it can
be done via bdep that would be great. Below is an example using two of my
own projects.

mkdir -p /tmp/dev
cd /tmp/dev
git clone https://github.com/sequence-point/libunittest.git
git clone https://github.com/sequence-point/libirina.git

(let's say I've left the office, not having access to the internet anymore)

cd libunittest
bdep init -C ../build-clang @clang cc config.cxx=clang++

cd ../libirina
bdep init -A ../build-clang @clang

bdep now tries to download libunittest although it already is available
locally in ../build-clang.

Am I missing something?

// Per
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