[build2] build2 g++ -std=c++1y problem

Feiyun Wang feiyunw at yahoo.com
Tue May 29 12:19:06 UTC 2018

Hi Boris,
Great job!
I verified that build2-toolchain-0.7.0-a.0.20180528151005.485ae1742a39.tar.xz works for my Windows 10 desktop PC, with the downloaded files:
C:\build2-build\build2-toolchain-0.7-a.0>bpkg-stage  build  --for install --yes build2 bpkg bdep
Feiyun Wang

   On ‎Tuesday‎, ‎May‎ ‎29‎, ‎2018‎ ‎07‎:‎48‎:‎51‎ ‎PM‎ ‎CST, Feiyun Wang <feiyunw at yahoo.com> wrote:  
  Hi Boris,
It's better but still not all right:````
d:\prj\odb\build2-toolchain>build2\build2\b-boot  install: build2\ bpkg\
ver libbpkg\libbpkg\version.hxx.in
ver libbutl\libbutl\version.hxx.in
error: no rule to update (for install) libodb-sqlite\odb\sqlite\details\cxx{options}
  info: re-run with --verbose 4 for more information
  info: while applying rule cxx.compile to update (for install) libodb-sqlite\odb\sqlite\details\objs{options}
  info: while applying rule cxx.link to update (for install) libodb-sqlite\odb\sqlite\libs{odb-sqlite}
  info: while applying rule cxx.install to update (for install) libodb-sqlite\odb\sqlite\libs{odb-sqlite}
  info: while applying rule cxx.install to update (for install) bpkg\bpkg\exe{bpkg}
  info: while applying rule install.alias to update (for install) bpkg\dir{bpkg\}
  info: while applying rule install.alias to update (for install) dir{bpkg\}
ver libodb-sqlite\odb\sqlite\version-build2.hxx.in
ver libodb\odb\version-build2.hxx.in
error: no rule to update (for install) libodb-sqlite\odb\sqlite\details\hxx{options}
  info: re-run with --verbose 4 for more information
  info: while extracting header dependencies from libodb-sqlite\odb\sqlite\cxx{database}
  info: while applying rule cxx.compile to update (for install) libodb-sqlite\odb\sqlite\objs{database}
  info: while applying rule cxx.link to update (for install) libodb-sqlite\odb\sqlite\libs{odb-sqlite}
  info: while applying rule cxx.install to update (for install) libodb-sqlite\odb\sqlite\libs{odb-sqlite}
  info: while applying rule cxx.install to update (for install) bpkg\bpkg\exe{bpkg}
  info: while applying rule install.alias to update (for install) bpkg\dir{bpkg\}
  info: while applying rule install.alias to update (for install) dir{bpkg\}
error: no rule to update (for install) build2\doc\man1{b}
  info: re-run with --verbose 4 for more information
  info: while applying rule install.file to update (for install) build2\doc\man1{b}
  info: while applying rule install.alias to update (for install) build2\dir{doc\}
  info: while applying rule install.alias to update (for install) dir{build2\}
info: failed to update (for install) dir{build2\}
info: failed to update (for install) dir{bpkg\}
My test version consists of
- build2-toolchain
Revision: 8e94c28f0304fd02dbde94151f6c80da36485b13
Author: Boris Kolpackov <boris at codesynthesis.com>
Date: 2018/5/29 16:22:30
Update submodules
- libodb
Revision: d07e278375228c0360ceb176343e4427cbc3a190
Author: Karen Arutyunov <karen at codesynthesis.com>
Date: 2018/5/25 2:37:05
Update copyright year
- libodb-sqlite
Revision: 617bfeed4843cb2e54faf02c36b33807d383be1f
Author: Karen Arutyunov <karen at codesynthesis.com>
Date: 2018/5/25 2:47:21
Update copyright year
- libpkgconf
Revision: 8956305565d8e9207c0d7d1037bf406e503c7038
Author: Karen Arutyunov <karen at codesynthesis.com>
Date: 2018/5/21 15:49:34
Update copyright yearlibsqlite3
Revision: df34c714af4e8b70682f42da9c05454175b17226
Author: Boris Kolpackov <boris at codesynthesis.com>
Date: 2018/5/28 23:01:34
Revert version from 3.18.3.a.0-z to 3.18.2+1
FYI, version.* files after build-msvc.bat:
d:\prj\odb\build2-toolchain>d:\gnuwin32\bin\find.exe . -name version*.*
My analysis on version*.(h|hxx):./bdep/bdep/version.hxx and ./bpkg/bpkg/version.hxx didn't show up../build2/build2/version.hxx looks good.
./libbpkg/libbpkg/version.hxx is a 0 byte file from the git repo.
./libbutl/libbutl/version.hxx was a 0 byte file from the git repo but changed by build-msvc.bat. It has an empty string #define which I am not sure:
./libodb/odb/version-build2-stub.hxx looks good.
./libodb/odb/version-build2.hxx  is a 0 byte file from the git repo.
./libodb/odb/version.hxx looks good.
./libodb-sqlite/odb/sqlite/version-build2-stub.hxx looks good.
./libodb-sqlite/odb/sqlite/version-build2.hxx is a 0 byte file from the git repo.
./libodb-sqlite/odb/sqlite/version.hxx looks good.
./libpkgconf/libpkgconf/version.h looks good.
Feiyun Wang

    On ‎Monday‎, ‎May‎ ‎28‎, ‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎33‎:‎00‎ ‎PM‎ ‎CST, Boris Kolpackov <boris at codesynthesis.com> wrote:  
 Feiyun Wang <feiyunw at yahoo.com> writes:

> The 20180526 new version didn't fix the problem.

Thanks for testing. Looks like localized quotes in /showIncludes can be
multi-byte. I've implemented and staged the fix, can you try again?

> The attached is the zipped build*.log files.

Try to refrain from sending .zip attachments since they are rejected
by our mail server (as well as many others). See posting guidelines,
#7 for details:


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