[build2] Single test across multiple build configurations

Ankur deDev ankur.dedev at tuta.io
Wed Jan 24 07:02:51 UTC 2018

Hi Build2,
I am trying to run a single test target across multiple build configurations.
Here is a description of the case. The out of source build tree contains two or more build configurations (a,b,...) :

├── confa
│   └── build
│       ├── bootstrap.build
│       ├── config.build
│       └── root.build
└── confb
    └── build
        ├── bootstrap.build
        ├── config.build
        └── root.build

The source tree contains several tests:

├── build
│   ├── bootstrap.build
│   └── root.build
├── buildfile
├── default.test
├── dira
│   ├── testa1.cpp
│   └── testa2.cpp
└── dirb

I like the ability to run all tests on all configurations:
$ b '{test}(./src at bld/{*/})'
test src/test{default}@bld/confa/ bld/confa/dira/exe{testa1}
test src/test{default}@bld/confb/ bld/confb/dira/exe{testa2}
test src/test{default}@bld/confa/ bld/confa/dira/exe{testa2}
test src/test{default}@bld/confb/ bld/confb/dira/exe{testa1}

But, as the number of test target is growing, I would also like to be able to run a single test target across all the configurations. Currently I tried few variations around the following which does not provide the result I expect: 
$ b '{test}(./src at bld/*/exe{dira/testa1})'
test src/test{default}@bld/*/ bld/*/dira/exe{testa1}

Is there a simple way to achieve this?

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