[build2] Variables in nested config.build

Ankur deDev ankur.dedev at tuta.io
Wed Jan 3 11:18:32 UTC 2018

Hi Build2,
I would like to be able to concatenate variables across nested config.build as in the following out of source building tree:

└── confa
    ├── build
    │   ├── bootstrap.build
    │   ├── config.build
    │   └── root.build
    ├── confa1
    │   └── build
    │       ├── bootstrap.build
    │       └── config.build
    └── confa2
        └── build
            ├── bootstrap.build
            └── config.build

bootstrap.build containing 'amalgamation = ../' for confa1 and confa2.

For example, if I set the config.build like this:
- confa/build/config.build contains 'test_var += "VAR-A"'
- confa/confa1/build/config.build contains 'test_var += "VAR-A1"'
- confa/confa1/build/config.build contains 'test_var += "VAR-A2"'

Then, running "b '{update}(./hlo at bld/confa/{*/ -build/})' --verbose 6", I get "test_var=VAR-A1" for confa1 and "test_var=VAR-A VAR-A2" for confa2 (a simple 'Hello World' like project with buildfile is contained in directory hlo).

Is it possible to properly concatenate variables defined in nested config.build?

$ b --version
build2 0.7.0-a.0.f9d759160eef1ca8
libbutl 0.7.0-a.0.b1cd193f1bd28837

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